I recently attended the Fast Company conference in NYC and was so inspired I cried. #empathlife. I was deeply inspired by Pharrell who talked about how sneaky comfort is. He made the point that many people don’t even realize when it’s time for a change because comfort can feel so good.
I think this is why people stay in relationships, jobs, or whatever the circumstance even though it makes them miserable. There’s something about predictability that feels good even if you don’t like the situation. At least you know what to expect, right?
This reminder about comfort made me think about how hard my entrepreneurship journey has been. It’s been the opposite of comfortable. I have never in my life been faced with so many blank stares, patronizing advice, and sleepless nights wondering “WTF am I doing?”
But every time I reconnect with my bigger mission and vision, I remember why I’m doing this. I remember that I’m much more comfortable with being uncomfortable. I love new challenges. I love working late into the night on something I care about. I love creating something from nothing. I love thinking outside the box. I love waking up excited to bring my ideas to life. There is truly nothing like it. In fact, I’ve realized that boredom is my worst nightmare.
Do you feel like you are too comfortable and need a change? Come join me IRL at my workshop this Saturday 11/10 at the magical Maha Rose Center for Healing in Brooklyn. I want to help you make the impact you know you were born to make. Whether you’ve been too tired, too busy, or too overwhelmed to bring your dreams to life, let’s talk about how to make it happen.
Participants can get excited to learn about:
✨What Leads to Burnout + How to Overcome It
✨Uncover Your Priorities + Take Control of Your Schedule
✨Redefining Productivity + Become a Master at Saying No
✨The Power of Manifestation + Set Goals With Soul
✨How To Take Aligned Action + Follow Your Intuition
I’ll be offering meditations, journaling, high-impact exercises and oh-so-much-fun. PLUS I just completed a brand spankin’ new workbook filled with cheat sheets and juicy soul prompts that all participants will receive. Are you feeling the spark? Come join the fun!
I’ll leave you with this:
“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar
Let’s do this thing.