Ask Yourself: In one sentence, what do you want to be known for?
We can get so caught up in all the shoulds and expectations that we get sidetracked from our bigger mission and vision. That’s why it is important to check in with yourself regularly and see if the actions you are taking in your life + career are getting you closer to your bigger mission and vision…or away from it.
Here’s what I want to be known for: I want to be known for being a thought leader and visionary who leads with integrity and inspires people to think differently, act bravely, make the world a better place, and experience the most amount of joy in this lifetime as possible.
If you want help getting clear on your bigger mission and vision, join me this Saturday 11/10 @maharosenyc for my workshop Reignite Your Fire: Make Your Dreams a Reality. I’ll be guiding participants through powerful visualization exercises, journal prompts, reflection moments, and more to help you reconnect with your WHY.
Can’t wait to see you there!