I have been eying The Wild Unknown’s Animal Spirit deck for quite some time but it wasn’t until last weekend when I literally stumbled across the one and only The Wild Unknown’s art studio (in Portland!) that I decided to get it. I mean, what are the odds?! I definitely had something to learn from this deck.
I have been staring at it for the past week with giddy excitement wondering when the “right” time would be to welcome it into my life. After my meditation this morning that focused on the mantra “I embrace the teacher within” (shout out to Day 17 of Oprah and Deepak’s 21-day meditation experience!), I decided it was time. Ding! Out came my sage. As I shuffled, I kept coming back to the mantra “I embrace the teacher within” so I settled on the question “How will I learn to trust my inner wisdom?”
I did a “past, present, future” reading to ask the question “How will I learn to trust my inner wisdom?” It was one of those “holy shit that’s awesome” kind of readings so I wanted to share with all of you:
Dragonfly – Who I was – “The Dragonfly is a symbol of the mind – as it is always moving, shifting, shimmering and changing…it reminds us to calm the mind so the light of wisdom can shine through.”
Nightingale – Who I am – “Nightingale energy is with us when we write, compose, and especially when we sing. It reminds us that music heals the deepest wounds. This card indicates a need to open the bridge between heart and voice.”🐦
Peacock – Who I will be – “The beauty of the Peacock is unrivaled. It’s easy to think it comes from the plumage…but the secret of the Peacock is that the beauty resides within and extends outwards indefinitely. This adept creature can assimilate or “digest” all experiences in life, so it does not harbor resentment, conflict, or past pain within its psyche. The Peacock type is extremely rare – not many of us have reached this advanced level of acceptance of the self and others.”🦄
It has certainly been a period of transition for me as I try to let go of my busy mind and the inner critic that says “you can’t do this” and “what will others think of you?” and settle into my own voice and follow my own dreams. Entrepreneurship has tested me in ways I never imagined but it has also been rewarding in ways I never imagined. I can only hope to continue down the path of the Peacock, and embrace the beauty that resides within.💖
Sending love this weekend with a little reminder to embrace the beauty that resides within✨