I’ve recently become obsessed with Jameela Jamil and her inspiring AF i_weigh community on Instagram that is all about weighing everything that makes us amazing and valuable humans beyond body image (read more about this badass movement of radical self-acceptance here).
She posted something the other day that pierced me straight in the heart:
“As a woman, being proud of yourself and believing you are ‘enough’ as you are,
is an act of social and political resistance” – Jameela Jamil
It made me think about my own self-love journey and my graduate school research around burnout and perfectionism. Bottom line: it’s no coincidence women suffer from higher rates of burnout than men.
It’s not that you aren’t efficient enough, smart enough, confident enough, strong enough, pretty enough, or nice enough. It’s that you’ve been told your whole life that you have to EARN your seat at the table.
As women, we’ve been conditioned to push, strive, and people-please our way to “success.” We are taught opinions make you mean, emotions make you moody, and rest makes you weak. So we keep hustling, accommodating, and doing #allthethings…until we burn out.Even when we burn out, it’s somehow our fault because we didn’t carve out enough time for self-care.
Patriarchal wounds run DEEP, ladies. Every time you set a boundary, stand up for yourself, or take time to rest, you are challenging the way society has operated for centuries. It shakes the foundation. It makes people uncomfortable. It is hard f*cking work.
The path of self-love is not for the faint of heart. It can feel dark and lonely and unbelievably exhausting. But as hard as it is, don’t give up. Your fight for self-worth heals us all.
If you want to rediscover who you are underneath all “shoulds” and obligations and societal expectations, join me on 4/28 at Maha Rose Center for Healing in Brooklyn for my BRAND NEW workshop — Less Stress, More Fun: The Key To Your High-Vibe Life.
We’ll be diving into all things perfectionism, people-pleasing, and evidence-based ways to quiet your inner critic. Get ready to laugh, to cry, and to dance your fears away with a community of other badass women.
This playshop will be 50% lecture-style (research + journal prompts + meditation) and 50% guided dance party! Think of it like school meets summer camp. Get ready for a super fun, high-vibe experience to overcome your fears, step into your power, and let your inner child run free.
Keep fighting. Take breaks. And don’t forget to have a little fun. 🦄