This is me.
Messy hair. No make-up. In nature. Exploring. Laughing with my love. A free spirit.
It has taken a long time to UN-learn all the things I was taught I *should* be…how I should look, act, love, speak, and behave in the world. I felt like I always had to contort myself into whomever someone else wanted me to be. Because just being me wasn’t enough. It was exhausting. And my soul was dying.
Becoming an entrepreneur has taught me more about believing in myself and standing in my power than ANY book/class/Ted Talk on building confidence. Because believing in yourself doesn’t come from building confidence. It comes from chasing after your dreams, falling flat on your face, picking yourself back up again, and achieving something you never thought possible. No matter what your dream is, the simple act of believing in yourself and taking those first wobbly steps will teach you more about what you are capable of than you can imagine.
If you are ready to stand in your power, ditch the naysayers, and unapologetically claim your brilliance, come join the fun on 1/27 @maharosenyc where I’ll be leveraging the power of nature’s four seasons to guide you through my signature framework that will leave you crystal clear on what you desire, what’s holding you back, and how to take soul-aligned action to make your dreams a reality.