Word of the Week: Teach
Life Lesson:
A big part of my Monday Vibes mission is to empower women to pave their own path, make unconventional choices and do what makes them happy—even if it risks disappointing others. It’s not easy being the one who veers left when everyone else veers right. It’s unsettling, lonely and if you don’t surround yourself with other rulebreakers, you’ll wind up thinking you are the one who made the wrong turn.
But I promise, you didn’t.
If you are someone who wants more in life, who is in search of their purpose and who questions the way things have always been, you will be met with resistance. Remember, it’s not because you are doing anything wrong, it’s the fact that your sheer dedication to your dharma (living your most authentic life), makes other people uncomfortable and question their own lives.
Monday Vibes celebrates the rulebreakers, the ones who stay true to themselves and their mission on this planet. We rulebreakers need to stick together to have enough stamina to change the world.
That’s why I’m so excited to feature San Diego, California-based Monday Vibes subscriber, writer and Wild Hearted Words founder Judy Tsuei this month!
How you are currently spending your energy:
Empowering my financial health and wealth. I’m teaching my daughter how to invest, save, give and spend. What an amazing awakening to come into my own and educate her in ways I wasn’t.
Why do you love Monday Vibes:
It’s a wonderful reminder that we’re all in this together and that life—with all its ups and downs—can be celebrated and shared in beautiful ways.
What’s your current fave self-care ritual:
Surfing! Even though I get nervous every single time I paddle out (and I’ve paddled out in Cali, Hawaii, Bali, Fiji, Taiwan), I feel alive facing fears, breathing into the present moment and enjoying how Mother Nature welcomes me in her oceanic embrace. This salt, sea therapy leaves me smiling each time I’m back on shore.
What song are you currently jamming out to:
Rooting For You by Alessia Cara (Follow the Spotify playlist “Jam it Out with Elizabeth” to stay up-to-date with the weekly tunes 🎵)
How would your BFF describe you in 3 emojis:
What gift would you like to offer the MV community:
I co-created a Hawaiian-inspired Chakra Journal with a cognitive behavioral therapist, featuring journal prompts designed to inspire you to write your own beautiful life story, whether it’s healing from the past or welcoming a new future.
Where people can find you to say hi:
My website Wild Hearted Words and business or personal Instagram
So grateful for each and every one of you!