“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen” – Brené Brown
In just a few short hours, I will get to hear the Brené Brown speak. I can’t even believe it. For anyone who has had more than a 5-minute conversation with me, you’ll know how much I freaking love this woman and how much she’s changed my life.
I remember when I picked up “Daring Greatly” for the first time. TEARS. So many tears. I felt like she was speaking directly to. Never before had I had the words to describe how much pressure I felt to be “perfect.” How much the story of “not enough” dominated my life. How much fear I had around speaking up, setting boundaries, taking risks, being liked, not failing.
The realization that 1) I wasn’t alone, 2) It’s ok not to have all my shit together, and 3) It’s brave to be vulnerable blew my mind. I hadn’t realized how much of myself I was hiding or morphing just to fit into the mold of what I thought was expected of me.
It was a wake-up call. An aha. A permission slip to be more me. And I am forever grateful.
Thank you @brenebrown for being a DAILY source of inspiration for me and millions of others. For shining such a bright light in this world and giving us all permission to be more of ourselves. To love ourselves, accept ourselves, forgive ourselves, fight for ourselves, and most of all, to never give up on ourselves.
Ask yourself: What is holding you back from letting your true colors shine? What needs to shift so you can show up in the world as your most beautiful, authentic and UNSTOPPABLE self? 🔥