Word of the Week: Awareness
Life Lesson:
I used to need proof for everything:
- Proof that what I was eating was good for me
- Proof that my exercise routine was the right combination of fat-burning and muscle-building
- Proof that my meditation practice was making me less anxious
- Proof that my opinions mattered
- Proof that a teacher was credible
- Proof that my relationship was healthy
- Proof that I had friends who cared about me
- Proof that holistic medicine was valid
- Proof that spirituality was “real”
In fact, my desire for “proof” was a main motivator to pursue my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Spirituality and Mind-Body practices. Isn’t that interesting? How I was so fixated on this idea of proof that even my spirituality needed to be backed by science?
The longer I am on the spiritual path, though, the less “proof” I find myself needing. It’s a strange thing to be in graduate school and not care so much about proof. While I have learned a ton and have come across fascinating research, I’ve found the research usually just confirms something I intuitively knew or felt. Almost like putting language around abstract concepts so we can all talk about the issue from the same place.
To be honest, it’s a pretty liberating feeling, to not need so much proof. I used to spend a lot of time and energy looking up studies, reading self-help books, taking workshops, and cutting clippings out of health magazines to tell me how to live my life.
Now, I just tune into my body.
- I eat what I want
- I read the books I want
- I write on topics I want
- I move my body how I want
- I spend my time how I want
- I believe in whatever I want
Life becomes quite simple when you start to listen and honor your body. You begin to realize you don’t need to justify yourself to anyone (even yourself). So instead of giving everyone off the street a five-paragraph essay about why you’ve made a particular decision, remember that “because I feel like it” is reason enough.
Ask Yourself: Do you find yourself needing someone else to validate your decisions? How would your life be different if you stopped justifying yourself?
Weekly Mantra: I don’t need to justify myself.

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