Did you know that stress activates your fight or flight response? 💡
When we get super overwhelmed or anxious about something, what’s happening is our sympathetic nervous system has kicked into high gear to try to protect us. It’s a primal defense mechanism that serves a super important function when we are in real danger. 🐅
But if we are just stressed about meeting a deadline or making a career change, we need to let our nervous system know that we aren’t in danger and it doesn’t need to be on high alert. 🚦
Some of my favorite things to do to calm my nervous are:
• Go on a walk
• Lie on the grass
• Move my body (like dance or yoga)
• Give myself a hug
• Notice 3 things externally and 3 things internally (this is a Somatic Experiencing technique called Orienting)
• BREATHE (and really feel my chest expand and contract)
Ask Yourself: What helps me when it comes to managing my stress? 🌿
Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash