Word of the Week: Mental Health
Life Lesson:
I’ve always felt deeply. I cry a lot. I have intense reactions. I can feel overjoyed one minute and full of grief the next. My mind always races, and I’m never not thinking about how someone else feels.
Now, since our society doesn’t value or care much about emotions, we created a term called “mental health,” as if to say that having a lot of feelings is wrong and needs to be fixed. I felt alone and broken for years inside my struggles with PTSD, an eating disorder, high anxiety and bouts of depression—all before I found a therapist and turned into the world’s Biggest. Fan. Of. Therapy. Seriously, therapy is the shit, and I believe the world would be a much happier, more peaceful place if everyone had a therapist like they do a general practitioner. It is medicine for the soul—we all need it. We are not meant to do life alone.
p.s. Stay tuned for my Life Lesson Part II surrounding mental health in next Monday’s issue!
Ask Yourself: What does mental health mean to me?
Weekly Mantra: I give myself permission to feel deeply.

When in Doubt, Jam It Out!
River by Leon Bridges (Follow the Spotify playlist “Jam it Out with Elizabeth” to stay up-to-date with the weekly tunes 🎵)
Things I Think You’ll Love:
HU Chocolate is my latest sweet-tooth obsession! I’ve tried almost every flavor of the vegan, paleo treats, but Crunchy Mint Dark Chocolate is my absolute fave.
Check out Rock the Vote for information on how COVID-19 affects your state’s voting regulations to ensure your voice is heard.
Here’s to all my fellow empaths,