Word of the Week: Imposter Syndrome
Life Lesson:
A few Saturdays ago, I attended the virtual Boston Writing Workshop, where I learned a lot of new things and had a major vulnerability hangover. So this is me, with a fancy, overpriced chai latte, deciding to celebrate not a particular accomplishment but myself for showing up to a whole new experience and doing a thing I’d never done before.
Research shows one of reasons perfectionism is so relentless is because we, perfectionists, focus on the one percent that could have been better versus the 99 percent that went well. We have a difficult time feeling proud of ourselves because we always think we could have done something better, said something differently, communicated more clearly, not tripped over our words, asked more questions, talked less, talked more, smiled, showed more enthusiasm, less enthusiasm, prepared more, not sounded like a robot—it is endless.
Surrounding myself with people who help me focus on the good, encourage me to celebrate and cheer me on even when I’m kicking myself for one silly mistake is sometimes the only way I can remember how to love myself.
Ask Yourself: What can I celebrate about myself today?
Weekly Mantra: I am brave enough to try new things.

When in Doubt, Jam It Out!
Long Days, Hot Nights by Sirens of Lesbos, Claptone (Follow the Spotify playlist “Jam it Out with Elizabeth” to stay up-to-date with the weekly tunes 🎵)
Things I Think You’ll Love:
Andrew and I have been loving a Sunday stack of Birch Benders Pancakes. We’ve tried the gluten-free and paleo mixes and love that it’s as easy as just adding water!
SUNDAYS podcast founder Madison Barse and I talked about everything from finding your inner child, owning your emotions and the power of mediation on her latest episode.
Here’s to not feeling guilty for treating ourselves to overpriced fall drinks,