Past Monday Vibes Issues

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Described by readers as “a bubbly, confident, wise, kind older sister,” Monday Vibes is a personal growth newsletter that brings a cozy, slumber-party feel to some of life’s hardest challenges. Monday Vibes is a safe and inclusive community to explore the wonderful and messy parts about being human.

Wanna Feel Those Monday Vibes? 🦄✨🎨

Named one of the “12 Newsletters Actually Worth Opening” by Zoella


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Keep the Faith Let’s just call it out…the new year can bring up A LOT. 🥂😅 It can feel like a time of new beginnings, of transition, of hope, of excitement…🌟✨ It can also feel like a time full of overwhelm, and expectation, and discomfort. I’ve been feeling #allthefeels these past few weeks as Andrew […]

Trusting the Process, Embracing Uncertainty, New Year’s Playlist


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  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Elizabeth Su✨ (@heyelizabethsu) Adulting is hard. Trauma sucks. And everything is way too serious. The Creativity Playground is your permission slip to do something just for fun. I’ll kick us off! Here’s my creative expression for the month: I stopped setting New Year’s resolutions […]

15 Wishes for Myself in 2022


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“I think sometimes we forget that in our pursuit of building our brands and businesses, we are also building ourselves as people. So if you don’t start with pursuing your wholeness, you may end up with a thriving, but purposeless brand/business. Build YOU first, so you can build IT.” —@thevoguide   View this post on […]

Holiday Gift Guide, Goodbye to the Monday Vibes We Know


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let's be friends @heyelizabethsu 💛

Elizabeth Su

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a road trip-inspired TAROT deck about self-discovery & belonging