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Word of the Week: Lovingkindness Life Lesson: I spent a lot of my time in graduate school researching why women are so hard on themselves. I was personally interested in this topic because I’ve had a harsh inner critic for most of my life and was always told it was because I set too high […]

Get To Know Your Community: Safia Tapal


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Word of the Week: Teach Life Lesson: A big part of my Monday Vibes mission is to empower women to pave their own path, make unconventional choices and do what makes them happy—even if it risks disappointing others. It’s not easy being the one who veers left when everyone else veers right. It’s unsettling, lonely […]

Get To Know Your Community: Judy Tsuei


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Word of the Week: Change Life Lesson: I’ve recently changed my relationship with quitting. What does it even mean to quit something, really? Let me explain. The hard-working, overachiever I’ve always been taught to be—praised to be—prided herself on never being a quitter. If I couldn’t figure something out or something didn’t come naturally, it […]

Why Change is Scary and Quitting is Hard


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Word of the Week: Community Life Lesson: I’ve had a hard time finding the right community, though not for lack of trying. I’ve joined women’s groups, book clubs, coworking spaces, business masterminds, healing workshops, yoga studios and even grad school. They’ve all fallen flat for one reason or another—usually because I don’t feel understood (something […]

Get To Know Your Community: Nathlie S


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“Workaholism is the one form of addiction that is worn as a medal rather than a ribbon that says, ‘dysfunction’.” —Virginia-based Talkspace therapist Cynthia Catchings, LMFT-S This statement hit me hard. I’ve struggled for most of my life with workaholism. I can remember doing homework until midnight as early as the fifth grade. People would […]

Why Being “Always On” for Work is Damaging to Your Mental Health


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Likeability is a strange concept. After all, who is to say if you are likeable or not? If you strive your whole life to do everything in your power to be likeable (and avoid being unlikeable), you won’t truly be living your life. You will be living the life that others deem appropriate. As a recovering people-pleaser, […]

The Small Things You’re Doing that Make You Unlikable


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Word of the Week: SurrenderLife Lesson: When I first started freelance writing, a 750-word piece would take me anywhere from 6-12 hours to write. I belabored over every word, was obsessed with finding scientific studies to “prove” all of my points, and would re-write sentences up until the eleventh hour the piece was due. Not […]

Monday Vibes: Are You White-Knuckling Through Life?


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Word of the Week: FlowLife Lesson: I have a confession: I wrote the last five Monday Vibes emails back in July. I was feeling particularly creative (which tends to happen to me when I am on my period) so I decided to put everything else aside and knock out all of my newsletters for the month of August […]

Monday Vibes: How To Find Your Creative Flow


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Elizabeth Su

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