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My husband and I just got back from a vacation in Maine, where we spent a few glorious days hiking in Acadia National Park. We ate lobster rolls, searched tidepools, and took naps on the ocean rocks like the nearby seals. The best part? There was no service. Without the constant flood of emails, text […]
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Word of the Week:Â FriendshipLife Lesson: I’ve spent a lot of time and energy these last few years exploring the nature of my friendships. Which friends make me feel like the best version of me? Which friends make me feel small? Which friends do I feel most relaxed with? Which friends make me feel drained? Which […]
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Word of the Week:Â LaughterLife Lesson:Â Laughing is one of my favorite parts about being alive. It fuels me in ways that nothing else does. I consciously surround myself with people who make me laugh. My partner. My friends. My clients. Even my therapist. The unifying thread with all the relationships I hold near and dear is […]
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Word of the Week: Ease Life Lesson: Lately, I’ve been finding it annoying when someone compliments me for being hard-working. Yes, I am driven. Yes, I am determined. Yes, I am extremely passionate. But these are different qualities than hard-working. I’ve lived my whole life thinking hard work was the only path to success. My identity was so […]
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Word of the Week:Â Self-CompassionLife Lesson: As an empath, big groups can feel overwhelming to me. Even though I love people, I have a hard time managing all the energy when I am in a group. This is one of the reasons I gave up drinking in 2018. I noticed that big social gatherings often felt […]
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I’ve recently become obsessed with Jameela Jamil and her inspiring AF i_weigh community on Instagram that is all about weighing everything that makes us amazing and valuable humans beyond body image (read more about this badass movement of radical self-acceptance here). She posted something the other day that pierced me straight in the heart: “As a woman, being […]
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This is me.Messy hair. No make-up. In nature. Exploring. Laughing with my love. A free spirit.It has taken a long time to UN-learn all the things I was taught I *should* be…how I should look, act, love, speak, and behave in the world. I felt like I always had to contort myself into whomever someone […]
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Ask Yourself: In one sentence, what do you want to be known for? đź’« We can get so caught up in all the shoulds and expectations that we get sidetracked from our bigger mission and vision. That’s why it is important to check in with yourself regularly and see if the actions you are taking […]