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“In our perfect ways. In the ways we are beautiful. In the ways we are human. We are here. Happy New Year’s. Let’s make it ours.” —Beyoncé   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Elizabeth Su✨ (@heyelizabethsu) Presence: As we head into the New Year, I’ve been thinking a lot about […]

I’m Setting New Year Intentions Instead of Resolutions

Mental Health

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“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’” —Alfred Lord Tennyson #REALTALK   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Elizabeth Su✨ (@heyelizabethsu) Nerve-cited: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE VERY FIRST ISSUE OF MONDAY VIBES 2.0! I’d be lying, though, if I didn’t confess […]

Monday Vibes: New Newsletter Who ‘Dis


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Word of the Week: Expansion Life Lesson: For the last 10 years, I’ve directed all my attention towards healing myself, talking about healing myself, reading about healing myself, helping others heal themselves, creating spaces where we can heal together. And you know what? I’m exhausted. It’s exhausting to constantly live in a space of darkness […]

Update: Monday Vibes Dyes Her Hair Pink

Mental Health

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Word of the Week: Transition Life Lesson: A week before my grandma left this Earth, I had a splitting headache, my body felt like it was hit by a car and I felt exhausted for seemingly no good reason. After a few days, it became clear that my symptoms were connected to my grandmother’s struggle, […]

I Held My Grandmother’s Hand Before She Passed


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Word of the Week: Boundaries Life Lesson: I used to DREAD Christmas dinner. Like, seriously dread. An entire gathering that revolved around food was my version of hell. I hated how many choices I had to make. I hated that my family always commented on what was (or wasn’t) on my plate. I hated that […]

Navigating Unsolicited Comments and Questions from Family During the Holidays

Mental Health

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Hands down one of the best decisions I ever made to heal my relationship with food was seeing an Ayurvedic coach. Learning that every body has different needs and reacts to food differently was life-changing—and the only thing that allowed me to stop hyper-focusing on what I ate, what others ate and what the magazines […]

Get to Know your Community: Natasha Brunetti


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Word of the Week: Self-Expression Life Lesson: I’ve been dealing with some censoring these last few weeks and it’s not only destroyed my creative process, but negatively impacted my mental health. Writing is an act of self-expression. Writing is healing. Writing is art. Art is not meant to be tied with a pretty bow. Art […]

Why Society is Afraid of Unapologetic Women


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Word of the Week: Gratitude Life Lesson: Gratitude and pain can co-exist. In fact, research shows the most resilient people are able to hold both emotions at once, recognizing the human experience is vast and validating the entirety of our emotional experience is important. This Thanksgiving, there’s a lot to be grateful for. But there’s […]

Monday Vibes: ‘Tis the Season of Gratitude

Mental Health

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Word of the Week: Imposter Syndrome Life Lesson: A few Saturdays ago, I attended the virtual Boston Writing Workshop, where I learned a lot of new things and had a major vulnerability hangover. So this is me, with a fancy, overpriced chai latte, deciding to celebrate not a particular accomplishment but myself for showing up […]

Self Love Can Look Like Trying New Things


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Word of the Week: Celebration Life Lesson: WE MADE HERSTORY. I’m *exhaling* for the first time in a while. Our country has chosen the first female VP, the first WOC VP. I have a lot of feels that I can’t put into words just yet but on the top of the list is how excited […]

Kamala Harris Made Herstory in the 2020 Election


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Elizabeth Su

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